Warning: Deadly dangerous virus like Corona-Ebola present not only on Earth but also on other planets!

Warning: Deadly dangerous virus like Corona-Ebola present not only on Earth but also on other planets!

Looking at the way during which the corona virus has wreaked havoc everywhere the globe for the last two years, many of us would really like to choose another planet. If you're also one in all such people, then scientists have a news to disappoint you. A top scientist has warned that deadly viruses like Corona, Ebola or Nipah can occur not only on Earth but also on other planets present within the universe.

This has been claimed by astrobiologist Professor Paul Davis, director of the Department of Beyond Center for Fundamental Concept in Science at Arizona State University. the thought of ​​aliens and microbial life can tell us a far more modern civilization than us. He says that any microbus or other agent needs a support life. In such a situation, viruses or some such things can play such a task. Davis says that viruses are literally a part of the material of life. they are saying that if you discover microbial life on another planet, then you'll be able to say that life is feasible there.

Davis says that there are many studies that show the connection of the genetic material found within the virus with the genes of humans and other organisms. This process is named horizontal gene transfer. In line with a Report within the Guardian, Davis' book titled 'What's Eating the Universe?' was published last week. He said that the origin of the human gene is really viral.

Astrobiologist Professor Paul Davis says that everybody knows the importance of microbes, but viruses are always underestimated. They believe that if there's life on other planets, then viruses or similar things can even exist. Davis also says that the likelihood of the lifetime of aliens being exactly identical is difficult. In step with Davis, 'I don't think that if you attend another planet and there you'll find just one kind of micro-organism, you will spend time happily.'

Although the chance of the presence of the virus on other planets is frightening, but Davis says that humans needn't panic. Dangerous viruses are people who adapt to their host. If there really are any alien viruses, then it's quite likely that they're less dangerous.