Scientists saw the formation of a new moon for the first time, a new moon being formed near a planet like Jupiter

Scientists saw the formation of a new moon for the first time, a new moon being formed near a planet like Jupiter

You must have seen the moon many times. Other than that, you must have seen, read or heard about the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But for the first time, scientists have observed the moon's formation. The event took place in another solar system far from our solar system. The moon is located inside the rings of a planet like Jupiter. Scientists have also taken a picture of it. The moon is located inside the rings of a planet like Jupiter. Scientists have also taken a picture of it.

The moon is located inside the rings of a planet like Jupiter. Scientists have also taken a picture of it. Investigators at the ALMA Observatory in Atacama Desert, Chile, took pictures of this month on powerful television. The moon that is built on the moon is similar to our planet Jupiter. There is probably a large ring of gas, dust, and rocks. It is estimated that there are three moons around the planet. Of the two built, one is built.

The rings we are talking about are called Circumplanetary Disk. These rings were formed only when the moon was formed inside them. Scientists have discovered 4400 planets outside our solar system to date. These are called exoplanets. The name of this newly formed moon is PDS 70 C. This PDS 70 builds inside the rings around the planet.

University of Grenoble astronomer and archaeologist this month, Mariam Benisti said this was a great idea. Never before have scientists observed the process of the moon's formation. This will also strengthen our vision of planetary construction. We have first seen the formation of the planet and its satellites, which will further strengthen our vision of planetary construction. The study was published on July 22 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Mary told us that there are rings around the planet Saturn in our solar system. It's been around for about 80 months. Its rings suggest that it was in ancient times, where Saturn's moons must have been built. Stefano Fuccini, a scientist at the European Southern Observatory and co-author of the study, said that the orange star PDS 70 is about the size of our Sun. It could be about 50 million years old. Its two months are still very young. The third is just born.

The two moons of the planet PDS 70 are larger than Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. One month is called PDS-A and the other is PDS-B. While the PDS-C is under construction. Stefano Facini said the moon being built always draws dust and gas into the rings. The moon orbits the earth 33 times more than the distance between Earth and the Sun. We search every month to find more stars, planets and moons.

Astronomer Richard Teague of the Harvard-Smithsonius Center for Astrophysics said the process of planets and satellites that create themselves by pulling an object into rings is called core accretion. In this case, whenever dust, gas, rocks, and other moving objects approach the planet, it attracts them and continues to add. That is, the moon has a lot of gravity at this time. Which helps in its construction process. In such a process, when things are put together, then gas and dust also come out of the collision.

Richard Teague says that other planets are attacking the rings around them very quickly. This attack is a gravitational force. That is, pull whatever you find in that ring The width of the rings around PDS 70 is equal to the distance between Earth and the Sun. There is so much in it that can build up in three months.