A meteorite older than Earth discovered in Britain may reveal the origin of life

A meteorite older than Earth discovered in Britain may reveal the origin of life

British scientists have discovered a meteorite older than Earth. The age of this piece of rock is 4.6 billion years, while the Earth's age is believed to be 4.44 billion years. In that case, there is a lot of enthusiasm among scientists about this meteorite.

The oldest meteorite found in Britain is said to be above Earth's age. Scientists believe that this could be the origin of life on Earth. This rock, from space, is also said to be the world's oldest meteorite. Scientists from the East Anglian Astrophysical Research Organization (EAARO) say that this meteorite is much older than our planet.

EAARO issued a statement saying the meteorite was found in March on a driveway near the town of Woodmancott in Gloucestershire, England. Its weight is around 300 grams. The age of this piece of rock is 4.6 billion years, while the Earth's age is believed to be 4.44 billion years. In that case, there is a lot of enthusiasm among scientists about this meteorite.

Scientists at Loughborough University report that this unique piece of atmospheric debris could answer the question of how life on Earth began. Sean Fowler of Loughborough Materials Characterization Center said the meteorite mass is made up of minerals such as olivine and phyllosilicates. The structure of this stone is different from anything found on earth. In this case we have also received information about an unknown chemical or physical structure.

As soon as they enter Earth's atmosphere, celestial rocks or asteroids crack and burn and are sometimes visible on Earth in the form of meteorites. If they are too big, they can damage the earth, but small pieces do not pose much danger. At the same time, they often fall into the sea because water is present in much of the world.

If a high-speed space object is likely to be closer than 46.5 million miles from Earth, space organizations consider it dangerous. The NASA Sentry system has already monitored such threats. In this, for the next 100 years, there are currently 22 asteroids with little chance of hitting the Earth.