Will the sun end life on earth with it? Or will the new world settle again? New study revealed many answers, many questions

Will the sun end life on earth with it? Or will the new world settle again? New study revealed many answers, many questions

Life on earth will be difficult after the sun runs out. Life will begin to end because of the impact of its heat. What will happen after that?

Colorful light is often seen in the sky in the northern and southern parts of the earth called aurora. These aurora are formed when winds of charged particles from the Sun collide with the Earth's magnetic field. Radiation from the sun can be harmful to humans and to health. In such a case, the magnetic field acts as a protective shield, but new research has raised concerns. According to the study, the magnetic field will weaken over time and the storm from the sun will intensify. This will have an impact on world health.

In a study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, astronomers have calculated the strength of these winds. It remains to be seen what will happen to them in the next 5 billion years. At that point the Sun's hydrogen fuel will start to run out and it will become a big red star. The winds that come out of it will begin to destroy the earth's magnetic field and the atmosphere will begin to disappear from space. If at that time life were still alive on earth, it would have begun slowly and ended there. Astrophysicist Alin Widotto of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, who is the author of the book, claimed that Mars' atmosphere was similar in nature but not as strong as Earth's.

Billions of years from now our sun will run out of gas and the sun will begin to fall under its gravitational pull. This will cause the outer layers to grow and will be a big red star. Eventually it will disappear completely and turn into a white star. At that time, due to the expansion of its atmosphere, the planets are entering in a way that will begin to heat up. According to NASA, both Mercury and Venus will end, and Earth could have the same outcome. In their study, researchers imitated 11 different stars that weighed between one and seven times the sun.

Researchers have found that by the end of life, the speed and energy of air from the sun will vary. The planet will survive only if its magnetic field is 100 times greater than that of Jupiter and a thousand times that of Earth. Some astronomers believe that there may be life on the planets around the obscure white stars because the sun's harmful rays cannot reach them. The planet may not be able to withstand the heat of the Sun's atmosphere, but if there is a strong magnetic field, then a new life could also be born there.