Giant asteroid will pass very close to Earth, NASA's eye on it...

Giant asteroid will pass very close to Earth, NASA's eye on it...

A giant asteroid about 450 feet long may enter Earth's orbit on Friday. This information has given by NASA's tracking data. The name of the asteroid is 2021RE and it can pass 3,400,000 miles from Earth on 10 September. to know this distance in easy language, know that the Moon is at a distance of 238,855 miles from our Earth.

It is estimated that 2021RE will pass near Earth at a speed of about 30,000 mph. If it collides with the planet at this speed, it can cause severe damage on the surface. quite 100 loads of small space rocks and debris from other planets fall on Earth on a daily basis. Anything smaller in size than a mean car can use up as soon because it enters Earth's atmosphere. However, it's not always considered a threat.

Last month it had been reported that an asteroid thrice larger than the Statue of Liberty is moving towards Earth. In September, this asteroid will enter Earth's orbit. The US space agency NASA had told that the name of this asteroid is 2021 NY1. It's one in the 17 near-Earth objects that scientists are tracking for the last 60 days. NASA said that the length of this asteroid is 300 meters and the thickness is around 130 meters. Whereas, the Statue of Liberty is barely 93 meters high.

It is expected to enter Earth's orbit on September 22. Earlier this month, NASA said a brand new study raised the chance that the asteroid Bennu could hit Earth sometime by 2300. Asteroids are those rocks that revolve round the Sun sort of a planet, but they're much smaller than planets in size. Most of the asteroids in our scheme are found within the belt within the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.