3 big marsquakes on Mars, NASA's InSight lander got tremors for one and a half hours

3 big marsquakes on Mars, NASA's InSight lander got tremors for one and a half hours

Just some days ago, the US Space Agency NASA's InSight lander completed 1000 days on Mars. The day was even more special as InSight detected the most important and longest 'marsquakes' on Mars. The intensity of those aftershocks was 4.2 and that they lasted for about one and a half hours. InSight has detected this third marsquake during a month. Earlier also a 4.2 and another 4.1 magnitude earthquake had hit here.

According to NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the task of this mission is to check the seismic wave to collect internal information about Mars. These waves travel inside Mars and keep changing as they experience different layers. With this, scientists are able to understand what's really inside. Scientists are gathering important information about mars by studying the marsquake in August.

They are still trying to search out what was the source of the marsquake and during which direction the seismic waves were moving. it should have come from Cerberus Fossae, which is about 1609 kilometers removed from the lander. It's believed that the lava must have flowed out here several years ago. There's also a point that it's going to have come from Valles Marineris, about 9700 km away. it's an enormous canyon system.

Interestingly, the sooner marsquakes were different. The vibrations of 1 were slow and of low frequency while those of the opposite were of upper and better frequency. Such different observations will help scientists gather the maximum amount information as possible about Mars.

At the identical time, the InSight lander was swinging between life and death till a while ago. Actually, dust had accumulated on that, because of which its solar panels weren't able to generate much energy. At this point, Mars is additionally far from the sun, because of which it absolutely was believed at just once that the mission may need to end before the year 2022.

However, scientists removed the dust from the electrical device by slightly moving its robotic arm, and therefore the energy stability was observed. After all, the lander has given an enormous success to its mission by finding three marsquakes in a very month.