Is there no water on Mars? New study shocks the search for life

Is there no water on Mars? New study shocks the search for life

Is there water on Mars? thus far, many evidences haven't been found within the answer to the current question, but during a new research, many elderly theories have definitely been told wrong. Some studies had indicated that there could also be water as the type of ions on Mars, but per research from the University of Washington, water is currently not present in liquid form on Mars.

Experts believe that there could also be a clear stage of water on Mars in history, but with the tip of the atmosphere, it's almost impossible to seek out water. The new study took the assistance of stable isotopes of potassium, remote sensing and qualitative analysis. In this, the speed of disappearance of elements like water from Mars was observed. It tells that there's now not water on the superior planet.

The team studied Martian meteorites and located that elements like water and potassium disappeared from Mars quicker than on Earth. Senior author of the study, Kun Wang, says that the meteorites of Mars are from millions of years. These tell the story of the evolutionary history of Mars. Wang says that the scale and mass of Mars isn't specified for the existence of Water.

At the identical time, the US space agency NASA's Perseverance rover, which reached Mars in February, recently collected rock samples on Mars, during which the answers to big questions associated with the presence of life is also hidden. The rock samples taken by the rover in Jezero Crater were formed thanks to the solidification of volcanic lava.

Scientists believe that when there was water in Jezero Crater, it must have gone into its inner layers and it's possible that after the water dried up, only salt remained there. NASA's ground team says, the rock sample contains salts which will have formed when underground water changed the composition of pre-existing minerals. The salt is also left over after the water has evaporated. NASA has told that there may have also been water within the salt.