World's richest man's space trip: Amazon founder Bezos's first space trip was successful, completed 105 km in 11 minutes with 3 passengers

World's richest man's space trip: Amazon founder Bezos's first space trip was successful, completed 105 km in 11 minutes with 3 passengers

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, one in every of the world's top e-commerce companies, returned to Earth after an 11-minute journey in space. They left on Tuesday evening at 6:42 pm Indian time. He was in the course of 3 more passengers. one amongst them includes his brother Mark, 82-year-old Wally Funk and 18-year-old Oliver Damon. Oliver recently graduated highschool. To travel to space with Bezos, an unknown person had made a bid of $ 28 million. He couldn't persist this trip. Oliver had gone in his place.

The rocket ship that Bezos and his team took is autonomous, meaning it doesn't need a pilot. Its capsule has 6 seats, but only 4 of those are filled. thus far 15 flights of this rocket named New Shepherd are successful. However, till now the passengers had not gone in it.

According to reports, Bezos has chosen this day and age to travel to space because Astronauts cosmonaut and Buzz Aldrin reached the Moon exactly 52 years ago in 1969 through the Apollo 11 spaceship. Jeff Bezos' spaceflight company Blue Origin said on Sunday that it's fully prepared for its first human spaceflight.

A week before this, on July 11, British billionaire Richard Branson's Virgin Space Ship (VSS) Unity spaceplane flight was successful. They went for 85 km. The special thing is that Sirisha of Indian origin visited Space with Branson, while 30-year-old Sanjal Gawande of Kalyan, Maharashtra was also included within the team of engineers who built Bezos's New Shepard rocket.

1. Bezos's flight was a 10-12 minute suborbital flight, that is, it did not come in Earth's orbit. The New Shepard rocket of Bezos's Blue Origin company took faraway from the desert of West Texas at 6:42 pm Indian time.

2. For this, all the passengers got on-board 45 minutes before the launch. The crew trained for 48 hours for the mission. the staff also completed 2 days training of 8-8 hours. This training will be mandatory for all the purchasers who have purchased the ticket. After this flight, Funk became the oldest and Damon the youngest astronaut.

3. After a flight of about 3 minutes, Bezos' capsule separated from Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket and proceeded into space. After flying for 4 minutes he crossed 100 km up ie Carman line.

4. During this the passengers felt weightlessness. With this the capsule began to return to the bottom. After a flight of about 10-12 minutes, the capsule landed within the desert with the assistance of a parachute. During this the rocket also returned to Earth.

Along with this trip, Bezos's flight has also made many records. this is often Blue Origin's first pilotless suborbital flight with civilians on board. The record for the oldest and youngest astronaut was also added to the present flight. The New Shepard rocket and its capsule RSS initiative will be reused.

Rockets and capsules have flown before and have successfully landed twice before this mission. To date 15 flights are successful for brand new Shepard. But till now the passengers never left.