Will space tourism and the environment of the earth deteriorate, why it is being criticized?

Will space tourism and the environment of the earth deteriorate, why it is being criticized?

Many people point to space travel as a threat to the environment. After the recent tour of Jeff Bozos and Richard Branson, its controversy has begun to escalate.

Recently Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, took his first space trip. Prior to this, Richard Branson also returned after wandering in space for a while. The two events have opened new avenues for space travel. Most people in the world want to go to space. But many people are against it. They believe that space travel is undermining efforts to save the world's climate. Let us know if this is really the case and why this is so.

The rest of the world is currently struggling to cope with the devastating effects of climate change. In this regard, the lack of funding is a major challenge. Many experts have unanimously stated that the world is facing an urgent weather crisis at this time, but it is not. Natural disasters follow one another and temperatures rise steadily but gradually and sea levels increase the severity of these warnings.

The biggest question is how space travel opposes climate change. Actually the right question is why instead of how. Space travel is more expensive when the richest countries in the world cannot raise money to save the world. Second, human activities, especially economic activities, are responsible for global warming and climate change. In this regard, it is important to reduce pollution and global warming. But space tourism will also contribute to pollution and will contribute significantly.

On the other hand people are advised to reduce their carbon budget. With this, as much as possible, instead of using cars, walk and use public services instead of private cars. Limit meat consumption. Avoid food waste. But in space tourism, rich people spend a lot of rupees for their own pleasure and go to space, emitting a lot of carbon dioxide, this doesn't seem to be right for most people.

These people believe that tourism for the wealthy is disappointing for people trying to cope with climate change. Although all forms of tourism emit carbon, it does not mean that tourism must be eliminated. But the case for space travel is different.

Take the flight of Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Galactic Space, on July 11. During this one 100-mile [160 km] journey, gasoline for the entire Atlantic round trip is used. According to one estimate, air travel from London to New York emits 1.24 tons of carbon dioxide. It can also be said that the hour-and-a-half plane spreads a lot of pollution as a typical car travels 4,800 miles.

Space travel is undoubtedly very expensive right now and is a matter of environmental concern, but space travel should only happen if it guarantees a future where everyone on our planet can be safe. At the very least it should not be a part of destroying the very existence of our planet. The earth is the source of our existence and the only planet in which we can live.