Studies of Martian Rock Reveals Secrets. What Scientists found, Know Here

Studies of Martian Rock Reveals Secrets. What Scientists found, Know Here

Researchers investigating a meteorite that fell from Mars to Earth have discovered that there was a reaction between water and rock on the Red Planet. It's also discovered that 4 billion years ago, many organic compounds related to life were present on Mars. Researchers are investigating the Alan Hills 84001 meteorite. it's also referred to as ALH 84001.

Analysis during this latest research has revealed that there could also be a combination of carbon and organic particles inside it. Also there can be oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. during this research, the scientists said, 'The Contact ​between water and rock is vital always for the world, diversity of minerals and production of organic molecules. Scientists said that we tested the meteorites from Mars with carbonates and silicates.

He said that with this test, we found the contact between water and rock within the period of Mars. This contact happened about 4 billion years ago. This famous mysterious meteorite was discovered within the year 1984 in Antarctica.  It had been later revealed that this meteorite separated from the Mars planet 17 million years ago. This meteorite fell on the Earth after traveling for several million years.

Scientist Andrew Steele said that ALH 84001 is one among the foremost studied celestial rocks on the Earth. This revelation has come at a time when the globe is dreaming of putting in place a city on Mars. Earth's richest man Elon Musk will soon send a vehicle to determine somebody's settlement on Mars. He is saying that if someone doesn't leave the world, then he will perish.