Scientists discovered a Black Hole making Stars, they are shocked after seeing this

Scientists discovered a Black Hole making Stars, they are shocked after seeing this

The US space agency NASA has revealed that a region has been seen 'giving birth' to stars in a 'dwarf galaxy' near Earth. This means that black holes aren't as violent as previously thought. Until now, black holes were considered the 'destructive monsters' of space due to their extremely strong gravity, They devours everything that come close, including stars. The attractive force inside a black hole is so powerful that the matter inside it gets split into fine particles. Even light cannot withstand it.

NASA's Hubble Telescope has made a new disclosure about black holes. Hubble's discovery shows that a Black Hole within the 'dwarf galaxy' Heinz 2-10 is forming stars instead of swallowing them. The black hole is contributing to the 'firestorm' of recent star formation going down in Heinz 2-10. It's located 30 million light years away within the southern constellation of Pixis. The Hubble data was studied by Zachary Schutte and Amy E Reins, two researchers from Montana State University's Department of Physics.

Schutte said that, the Heinz 2-10 galaxy is so close that the Hubble Telescope can easily capture images outside the region. He said that the most important thing was that rather than destroying stars, it had been organic process to new stars. Heinz 2-10 is 10 percent the scale of the Milky Way. The amount of stars found in it's just one tenth of the quantity of stars found in our galaxy.

Experts say that a central region exists in it. The region in Heinz 2-10 is about a Mega solar masses. In large galaxies, black holes is quite 1 billion times the mass of our Sun. a search speculates that the expansion of the universe is causing black holes to urge bigger, which can bring about to unusual events within the coming times. this is often worrying because the expansion of the universe doesn't make galaxies and stars bigger, but it expands the region of space.