Aliens kidnapped hundreds of times, man claims - nanochip inserted inside me

Aliens kidnapped hundreds of times, man claims - nanochip inserted inside me

A man in America has claimed that aliens abducted him and put a nano-chip in his arm. due to this his wife left him and he was fired. Recalling his time within the investigation, Steve Colburn claimed that "typical grey" looking aliens had kidnapped him on a UFO "hundreds of times".

Describing these events on the show 'Coast to Coast', the American resident told that an occasion inspired him to go looking on the lifetime of aliens. He devoted his life thereto, because of which his marriage broke up. He told that it all started when he saw a UFO hovering over his fruit tree. After this a beam of green light pulled him inside the spaceship.

He recalled that he was taken to a medical station and asked to lie on a table. the person claimed that the alien used an extended tool that appeared like a chunk of chrome steel tubing. Inside it had been a fiber-optic that emitted actinic radiation. Steve said that his outlook on life completely changed after the kidnapping.

He said that sometimes the items that humans do seem irrelevant. His wife also experienced his changed nature and Steve claimed that this incident was chargeable for their divorce. Steve also revealed that he lost his job for demanding an investigation into Paranormal. "Sometimes it's hard to understand which feelings are yours and which are of aliens chip," he said.