Dying star showed 'eye' in space like this... NASA's Hubble Telescope showed amazing picture
American space agency NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has shared a picture that looks like a painting for the first time. This nebula looks like a giant eye amidst dark space. The gases and dust emanating from the dying star make such a shape that if one sees it, then one can keep seeing it. Hubble has also explained why this picture taken about 25 years ago is so special.
The nebula named MyCn18 is located 8000 light-years away from us. The picture shared by Hubble was taken from the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) mounted on Hubble. It looks like a MyCn18 hourglass. This picture is made up of three different photographs. One of these appears red in the light of ionized nitrogen, the second appears green from hydrogen and the third appears blue from doubly-ionized oxygen.
Scientists were very excited by these results because before this the material of stars could not be understood much. Stars like the sun die slowly and understanding them was not easy before. According to one theory, the shape of the hourglass is caused by the wind from the stars, while the clouds in the center are more dense. However, it is clear from this picture that it is quite different from Hourglass. The star giving birth to it is not in the centre.
Hubble has also found that there are some small rings in the center of the nebula. It is believed to be a shell ejected from the star that ejected during its youth. In order to fully understand its size, efforts are also being made to understand the gravity of a star that has not yet been discovered.