Two lakes are present under the layer of ice in Antarctica, NASA has discovered, the mysterious network of water is spread

Two lakes are present under the layer of ice in Antarctica, NASA has discovered, the mysterious network of water is spread

This under-ice system was first discovered in 2003 by NASA's ICESat mission. At the same time, after the ICESat mission, ICESat-2 provides a better understanding of this network.

Scientists from the US space agency NASA have discovered two new lakes present under the ice sheet in Antarctica. These lakes are part of a network of 1.2 to 2.5 miles under the ice. It has been said that these lakes are continuously filling up and getting emptied. Because of this, the movement of layers has also been affected. Along with this, the method of entry of water in the Southern Ocean has also been affected by it. This is a very important circulation process for the world's oceans.

According to Professor Matthew Seyfried, a geophysicist at the Colorado School of Mines and author of the study, it is not only the ice sheet present here, but a water system, which is connected to the Earth system. This under-ice system was first discovered in 2003 by NASA's ICESat mission. Analysis of the data revealed that rising ice in West Antarctica reveals water reservoirs under the ice cover.

Earlier it was believed that these lakes flow separately and are not connected with each other. But in 2007, researchers found that changes in the height of ice on the Antarctic surface reflect the waters of the lakes below. They empty before flowing into the Southern Ocean and then fill up several times. After the ICESat mission, ICESat-2 provides a better understanding of this network. Earlier in the second study, scientists had warned that every year the ice spread over 53,000 km square melts from the earth.

Human beings may have to face serious consequences in the coming time due to the melting of snow. Scientists said that between 1979 and 2016, so much ice melted that it could fill the huge Lake Superior. The melting of ice has been a major issue in Antarctica, as it threatens to increase the water level of the oceans. Glaciers around the world are melting due to global warming and the glaciers in Antarctica are also not untouched by it. This is the reason why environmental organizations around the world are pressuring governments to reduce global warming.